Page 149 - Altronix Product Guide
P. 149

                      Hardened PoE Switches with Power Supply/Chargers
                     and Optimized Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Charging
                             Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Benefits:
               Light weight:                             Longer Shelf Life:
               Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries weigh one-third to almost   Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries can be shelfed up to
          WEIGHT  half less than SLA batteries           10 years, SLA batteries need to be charged every
                                                         6 months (often times the batteries coming from overseas
        Up to 99% efficiency, allowing faster charging with  have already been sitting for 4+ months)
        minimal loss, SLA batteries lose power quickly  Cold Temperature:
        during deep discharge                     Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries have up to
               More Up Time:                      40% more capacity in colder climates     149
               Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries allow for rapid charging   Cost per Cycle:
               and discharging                           Lithium $0.31 vs. SLA $0.92 (real cost per cycle includes
        Longer use Life:                                 maintenance labor, replacement product and labor and
        Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries can cycle up to 5000 times vs. SLA up   electrical costs to charge batteries
        to 500 times

        Altronix BTL125 rechargeable Lithium Iron Phosphate ( LiFePO4 ) Battery provides optimal backup

        for security, access, and surveillance applications .
        • Can be used Altronix Spectrum fiber optic equipment with an  • 10 years shelf life .
          Optimized Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery charging circuit .  • Up to 5,000 duty cycles .
        • Smart technology - low power disconnect .  • Environmentally friendly .                                                                   ®
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